Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Caprese: A White Pizza in Sandwich Form

The Caprese sandwich, named for its shared ingredients with the Caprese salad, also shares an ingredient profile with the white pizza. Traditionally, the ingredients include tomatoes, fresh mozzarella cheese, basil, some seasoning, and olive oil. 

Fun fact: Caprese means in the style of the Italian island of Capri. Capri is a lovely island that is well known for being a popular tourist attraction, even back to the days of the Roman Empire. Also, Greek mythology referred to Capri as the isle of Sirens. 

What you'll need:

A loaf of crusty bread
A tomato
Fresh Mozzarella cheese
Sliced Mozzarella cheese
A bottle of Beano's All-Natural White Pizza Sauce in your        favorite flavor (Oregano, Basil, or Sun-Dried Tomato)

Cut the loaf of crusty bread into the number of sandwiches you would like to make. Typically, a ciabatta loaf will yield two to three sandwiches. Then cut the pieces you're going to use to make your sandwich(es) in half long-ways.

In sticking with tradition, I used the White Pizza Sauce with Basil. Don't forget to shake well before using! I put a little bit (a few squirts from the bottle) on each side of the open bread and spread it around.

Then, I cut a three tomato slices (for one sandwich) and three slices of fresh Mozzarella.

On top of the layer of White Pizza Sauce, I put a slice of the pre-sliced Mozzarella, a layer of fresh Mozzarella, a layer of tomatoes, and another layer of pre-sliced Mozzarella. 

Then, just put the top of the sandwich on and put it in the oven or toaster oven until the cheese begins to melt and the bread is toasted. I did 350 for 7 minutes, but every oven is a little bit different! 

Then, enjoy! Next week, we'll be making a Muffaletta sandwich in honor of Mardi Gras!

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